4-Channels Instrumentation Amplifier

  • Up to 4 units of 350 Ω strain-gage type transducers connected independently to respective amplifier circuits.
  • Switchable indicated value, channel to channel or the total
  • Analog voltage output of all channels and the total
  • High/low limit comparator for the total value
  • High-speed output suitable for control, I/O delay approx. 10 ms
  • Sensor check and self-test functions
  • Indication range-19999 to 19999 with decimal point anywhere


WGC-140A, 4-Channels Instrumentation Amplifier

The WGC-140A is a high-speed processing at 2 ms, a compact 4 channel Instrumentation Amplifier, which can calculate the physical quantities of load cells, etc.

It is suitable for measurement and control of the load applied to each column of press and the total load or for tension control by measurement of load balance and total load in various fields.

Channels: 4

Applicable Transducers: Strain-gage transducers

Compatible Bridge Resistance: 350 to 1000 Ω

Measuring Range: ±3 mV/V (Including tare)

Input LPF: 150 Hz

Bridge Excitation: 5 VDC

Digital Zero: Set at any point in the measuring range


  • By inputting the value (By every channel)
  • By applying an actual load (By every channel)


  • ±19999 (Decimal point to be put anywhere, the same position is applied to all channels.)
  • Character height: 14 mm, red LED
  • Indicated value:
    • Measured value of a channel selected from 1 to 4
    • Total of measurements of channels 1 to 4

Calculation Speed: 2 ms (500 times/s)

Nonlinearity: Within ±0.05% FS


  • Zero point: Within±0.5 μVRTI/°C
  • Sensitivity: Within±0.01%/°C

High/Low Limit Comparator:

  • Setting points: 2 (High/low limits of total value)
  • Setting range: ±19999
  • Max. hysteresis width: 0 to 19999 settable
  • Output modes: Open collector (NPN)
  • Load capacity: 30 VDC, 20 mA (Resistive load)
  • Response speed: 10 ms or less

Smoothing Functions:

  • Minimum scale:
    • Selectable from 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 or 1000 counts
  • Moving averaging functions:
    • Selectable from 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256 times

Adding Functions: Setting range: ±19999

Original Value Measurement: ±3 mV/V or more

Control Input:

  • Input signals: 6
    • (4 calculation channel select commands, 1 each ZERO and CHECK commands)
  • Input modes: Non-voltage contact signal or open collector (NPN)
    • (It should enable application of 12 VDC and current flow of 5 mA.)

Control Output:

  • Output signals: 7 (1 HEALTHY signal, 4 ABNORMAL signals and high/low limit signals)
  • Output modes: Open collector (NPN)
  • Load capacity: 30 VDC, 20 mA (Resistive load)

Analog Output:

  • Output signals: 5 (Signals of 4 channels and the total)
  • Output voltage: ±10 V
  • Withstand voltage: 250 VAC for one minute
  • Resolution: 13 bits
  • Nonlinearity: Within ±0.1% FS
  • Conversion rate: 500 times/s
  • Setting values:
    • Indicated value with 0 V output (±19999)
    • Indicated value with 10 V output (±19999)

Check Functions:

  • Self-test: Tests the program checksum and memory.
  • Transducer test:
    • Checks each channel for the bridge current, over-input and disconnection of transducer cable.

I/O Terminal Board:

  • Transducer input: NDIS4102 (7 pins) connector plugs
  • Power connector, etc.: M3 screw terminal board (Applicable crimp-style terminal V1.25-3 or the equivalent)
  • Data output terminal: Connector 57-40360 (DDK) or the equivalent