
Our iVS-2SX+ power analyzer is designed for use in a 200A residential meter base with the existing revenue meter. Using surface mount technology, we have included features never before available in such a power analyzer. In addition to RMS voltage and current in the base model, we now offer options to measure and monitor power factor, demand, phase angle, and harmonics to the 31st in an all-weather, self-contained, plug-in module.



AC Voltage: 0 to 140 VAC
AC Current: 200 Amps RMS
Sample Rate: 128 samples/cycle/channel


Voltage: 2 channels
Current: 2 channels

Measured Quantities Per Cycle

RMS Voltage: Volts
RMS Current: Amps
Real Power: Watts (Optional)
Apparent Power: VAs
Reactive Power: VARs (Optional)
Phase Angle: Degrees (Optional)
Power Factor: Watts/VA (Optional)
Displacement PF: cos (phase angle) (Optional)
Power Usage: kWh, kVARh, kVAh (Optional)


Voltage: 0.33% of full scale
Current: 1.0% of full scale
Power: 1.0% of full scale
Phase Angle: 1.0°
Power Factor: ±0.02
Displacement PF: ±0.02


Voltage: to the 31st (Optional)
Current: to the 31st (Optional)
Measures: magnitude, THD


Type: RS232 port
Remote: n/a
Data Rate: 4,800 to 28,800 baud

Information Storage

Interval Graphs: 2.1 MB
Significant Change: 1000 records
Flicker: 1000 records
Waveform Capture: 384 KB (Optional)

Record Settings

Interval Graphs: 1 second to 4 hour interval user selected, stop-when-full, or wrap around memory modes
Significant Change: 1V to 8V in 1V steps
Flicker Settings: User-defined, or conform to IEEE Std. 141.
Waveform Capture: (Optional) voltage and current threshold

Power Supply

Power Consumption: Less than 2.5 watts
Operating Temp: -20°F to +135°F
Shock: 60 Hz to 2kHz, Acceleration 25G

Physical Dimension

Vibration: 10 Hz to 60 Hz, Amplitude 1.8 mm
Size: 4.625” x 6.75”
Weight: 3.6 lbs

Power Fail Operation

Can operate without any input voltage for up to 30 minutes. This allows it to record down to 0 volts on all channels during power outages.