Guardian Recorder

The Guardian was designed with engineers in mind. It’s weatherproof, durable, powerful, and easy to use –everything you need in a Power Quality Recorder. Now with larger memory, CBEMA/ITIC, Advanced Waveform capture, and more! For your peace of mind, every device is thoroughly tested for pinpoint accuracy and comes with a comprehensive calibration certificate.


  • Cell communication and USB (Optional)
  • WiFi Hotspot and USB (Optional)
  • Up to 1 GB internal memory

Unrivaled Communication Options:

  • Cell Modem (Optional)
  • WiFi (Optional)
  • USB 2.0



AC Voltage 0 to 150 per channel
AC Current 200 Amps RMS
Sample Rate 256 samples/cycle/channel


Voltage 2 channels
Current 2 channels

Measured Quantities Per Cycle

RMS Voltage Volts
RMS Current Amps
Real Power Watts
Apparent Power VAs
Reactive Power VARs
Phase Angle Degrees
Power Factor Watts/VA
Displacement PF cos (phase angle)
Power Usage kWh, kVARh, kVAh


Voltage 0.33% of full scale
Current 1.0% of full scale
Power 1.0% of full scale
Phase Angle 1.0°
Power Factor ±0.02
Displacement PF ±0.02

Power Fail Operation

The recorder can operate without any input voltage for up to 1 minute. This allows it to to send alerts and messages during an interruption.


Voltage to the 51st
Current to the 51st
Measures Magnitude, phase, THD


Standard USB
Cell modem (Optional)
WiFi (Optional)

Information Storage

Data Storage 16 MB (Standard); 128 MB, 512MB or 1 GB (Optional)
Significant Change 1000 records
Flicker 1000 records

Record Settings

Interval Graphs 1 cycle to 4 hour interval, user selected, stop-when-full or wrap-around memory modes
Significant Change 1V to 8V in 1V steps
Flicker Settings User-defined, or conform to IEEE 1453/IEC 61000-4-15, and IEEE Std. 141
Waveform Capture Voltage and current threshold, periodic capture, waveshape, event cross triggers

Power Supply Requirements

Power Consumption Less than 5 watts


Operating Temp -20°F to +135°F
Shock 60 Hz to 2 kHz, acceleration 25G
Vibration 10Hz to 60Hz, amplitude 1.8mm

Physical Dimensions

Size 4.625” L x 6.75” W
Weight 2.1 Lbs