Process Control Multivariable System
The system has been developed to cover the following educational subjects included in an intense theoretical-practical training program, as follows:
- Study of the Sensors and Relative Signal Conditioners Circuits
for the process variables:- Flow
- Level
- Temperature
- Pressure.
- Study of the closed ring process control techniques. Study of the different process control ways:
- PID control with PLC,
- with Industrial PID controller,
- with PC data acquisition card
- with datalogger.
Training Program:
The system allows the theoretical analysis and the experiments on the following subjects:
- Detection of the characteristic curve of the transducers and the signal conditioning circuits for the temperature, flow, level and pressure sensors.
- Detection of the time constants of the processes.
- Analysis of the closed ring automatic control for flow, level, temperature and pressure:
- ON/OFF control mode and Proportional (P),
- Proportional Integral (PI),
- Proportional Derivative (PD)
- Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control mode.
- Analysis of the variables curves through the PID algorithm in the PLC, in the industrial PID controller (with autotuning function) and acquisition/control card for PC with dedicated software (supplied).