Elettronica Veneta
Batch Distillation Pilot Plant 

The distillation column is made completely of glass and it consists of a reboiler, of a bubble cap tray column and of a condenser with reflux head and valve.


Batch Distillation Pilot Plant 

  • UDB/EV manual
  • UDBc/EV manual with data logging
  • UDBa/EV automated

The distillation column is made completely of glass and it
consists of a reboiler, of a bubble cap tray column and of a
condenser with reflux head and valve.
The distillate is collected into a glass tank after being cooled by
a heat exchanger.
The automated version mod. UDBa/EV is equipped with PID
controller: using two pneumatic valves, this controller can
automatically control the flow rate of condenser cooling water
and the vacuum degree of the plant.

Training Program

  • Distillation of different mixtures (water / ethanol, water /
    methanol, methanol / propanol, etc…) at atmospheric
    pressure, versus the variation of the following operational

        • reflux ratio
        • reboiler heating power
        • bottom composition
        • vacuum degree
  • Mass balance
  • Energy balance
  • Flooding
  • Calculation of the number of theoretical trays
  • Automatic flow and pressure control by PID controller (for mod. UDBa/EV, only)
  • Plant supervision by P.C. (for mod. UDBa/EV, only)