Grape Marc Distillation Pilot Plant
Manual vers. mod. UDV-M/EV
Computer-aided vers. mod. UDV/EV
The end product of grape marc distillation is ethyl alcohol mixed, in different concentrations, with water and with several volatile constituents that enrich the alcoholic beverage with its typical odour and taste going well with the particular sensation of alcohol.
The process being carried out is steam distillation of grape marc, but also indirect steam distillation can be carried out: vapours are condensed and the resulting mixture is distilled to obtain the end product.
This plant can also distil binary mixtures. If users are not interested in process control issues, it is better to purchase the manual version mod. UDV-M/EV.
Training Program:
- Mass balance
- Energy balance
- Analysis of the end product versus the following operating parameters:
- steam flow rate
- characteristics of raw material
- End product analysis:
- determination of alcoholic strength
- determination of methyl alcohol
- determination of total acidity
- determination of higher alcohols
- determination of aldehydes
Supplied with Theoretical – Pratical – Experimental Handbook