Elettronica Veneta
Impact of a Jet

This apparatus enables to measure the force developed by a jet on a stationary object


Impact of a Jet

This apparatus enables to measure the force developed by a jet on a stationary object. It consists of a cylindrical transparent vessel inside which the water jet generated by a nozzle hits an object hold by a stem.

The force exerted by the water jet causes a rise of the stem that can be counterbalanced by adding weights in order to bring it to the initial position. Thus the force exerted by the water jet on the stationary  bject can be determined.

A total of three targets are provided: a flat target, a 45° cone, a hemispherical target.

Training Program

  • Measuring the force exerted by a water jet on different targets and comparing with the results predicted

Supplied with Theoritical – Experimental Handbook


Spreadsheet Software for Fluid Mechanics Equipment (SW-HB-6/EV)


Hydraulic Bench (HB/EV or HB-E/EV) or water supply (@2 bar) and drain