Stability of a Floating Body
The module consists of a plastic rectangular floating tank whose centre of gravity can be varied by moving two weights along a horizontal and a vertical rod. In this way it is possible to pass from a stable equilibrium situation to another situation of unstable equilibrium, and to determine the metacentre position. A plumb-bob suspended from the mast indicates the inclination of the tank on a graduated scale.
The module can be let float in the volumetric tank of the hydraulic bench or in a container with appropriate dimensions.
Training Program
- Determining the centre of gravity of the tank
- Determining the metacentric height and therefore the position of the metacentre for the tank stability
- Variation of metacentric height with angle of heel
Supplied with Theoretical – Experimental Handbook
Spreadsheet Software for Fluid Mechanics Equipment (SW-HB4/EV)
Hydraulic Bench (HB/EV or HB-E/EV) or vessel with suitable dimensions